How To Glow Up? Tips On Looking Extra Cool

By Ava

Every girl is looking for a way to glow up every season. It is just normal. Summer is right around the corner. And during the summer season, ladies want to look their best. So, to get you ready for this season, we will talk about how to glow up.

And we are not talking about just glowing up thanks to your radiant skin. No, this is more than the BBC three Glow Up show with Val Garland, Maya Jama, and Dominic Skinner. The show helped people achieve glowing skin thanks to makeup artists. We will help you glow up inside and out.

What Does It Mean To Glow-up?

Let’s start by explaining the term glow up. What does it mean? We can look at the Urban dictionary description of it. It says, “A glow up is a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better. Glow ups can be both natural or planned. As well as being gradual and permanent, or fast and temporary”.

Natural glow-ups happen through puberty years. It also happens when a person is in love. Or when a woman is pregnant. We often say that pregnancy brings out the best in a woman. Future mothers simply glow up.

But a glow-up can sometimes be a complex process. It is a way of looking better and more confident in yourself. Sometimes it can come from an unbelievable change from an unstylish young woman to someone who looks fresh in any outfit.

The Glow Up Challenge

You have probably heard of the glow-up challenge. It is a month that you dedicate to yourself. During that month, you focus on improving your wellness, health, mental strength, and everything else to look and feel your absolute best.

And yes, we can all dedicate a month to ourselves. But we will talk more about how to glow up every single day, not just for one month during the glow-up challenge. The more you work, the more you need some self-care and self-love.

If you are one of the ladies saying, “I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time to do anything”, you need to look yourself in the mirror. And trust me, you do have time. It is important to glow up without affecting your life.

Here are some ways how to glow up.

Adopt A Solid Skincare Routine


A skin routine is an absolute must if you want to glow up. No matter how in love you are or anything else, you cannot glow up if you do not put time and effort into your skincare.

Yes, appearance isn’t everything. But when you feel good about what you see in the mirror, it gives you a boost in your confidence and self-esteem.

Find your skin type and then continue from there. If you are starting with products, the essentials are sunscreen, a good moisturizer, toner, serum, cream, and/or oil. Add in treatments like cleansing and exfoliating as well to achieve radiant skin.

Exfoliating is essential to get rid of dead skin cells. It is a good habit to have and achieve glowing skin.

Drink More Water


Drinking water is a sign of good health. But it also helps you reach your clear skin goals. You probably know the general rule of drinking eight glasses of water each day. But that is too general. We all need a different amount of water.

Yes, stick to at least six cups of water per day. But you might need more depending on your activity, weight, lifestyle, and more.

Up your water intake to reduce skin issues like acne. Water is life. Cherish it.

Get Healthier Hair


If you want to know how to glow up naturally, the key is to get healthier. And the healthier you are, the more you glow.

And that includes hair care as well. It is time to do something about your damaged hair. Try adding some hair masks and shampoos that can revitalize your hair.

Work On Your Posture


This might seem like a normal thing to do, but some people just do not understand how much posture is important. If you are slumped over with your head down looking at your phone, that is not the right posture.

You need to fix it as soon as possible. Proper posture will result in healthier bones and joints. And proper posture will also improve your confidence.



Do you want a way for speeding up your glow journey? Then exercise is the way to go. Regular exercise brings so many benefits to your life. Starting a workout program might feel intimidating at first. But nowadays, you can exercise online from the convenience of your home. Granted, it is not the same as going to the gym.

But baby steps, right? Just do not sign up for some 30-day challenges. They put so much pressure on you, that sometimes you can crack.

Just find a way to exercise three days a week for at least 30 minutes. Even doing some cardio like walking might be enough in the beginning.

Follow A Healthy Diet


If you have ever tried to lose weight, you know that two parts are mandatory. The first one is regular exercise, and the second is a healthy diet.

So pick up a health cookbook for inspiration and start cooking for yourself. If you do not have time, find a healthy meal delivery service. Just do not snack on high-calorie foods.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. With a healthy breakfast, you eliminate all unhealthy cravings throughout the day.

Be sure to include enough healthy fats found in olive oil, avocado, chia seeds, flax seeds, fish, and similar.

Work On Your Confidence


The most important accessory a woman can wear is her confidence. Without confidence, you are defeated in life. With it, you can handle any situation.

Confidence is everything. And we all have different ways to work on it. In that regard, many of the ways how to glow up boost your confidence. But also find a way to feel good about yourself as a positive person.

Do The Things You Love

thing love

Here is an important thing to remember: eliminate negative things and negative people from your life. Start doing the things you love.

Spend time on things you like, no matter what that is. That will make you feel good about yourself and your confidence will go up.

Surround yourself with positivity. Replacing negative things and people with people who have a positive effect on you. And create good habits.

Work On Skills You Want


Is there something you always wanted to work on, but you just feel like you never have time to start? Well, now it is your chance.

Improve that skill. If can be anything. For some women, it is drawing. For others, it is learning a new language.

Set Goals


You cannot know if you are good at something if you do not set goals. How can you tell if you have made progress if you haven’t set some goals?

Well, pull out that planner and write down your weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Yes, you might not make them all. But goals are important for motivation. Strive to be the best version of yourself.

You have to change your mindset. To motivate yourself, use positive affirmations that will help you achieve your goal.

Practice Gratitude

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Gratitude will make you a happier person. Think of at least three things you are grateful for every day. Start your day by practicing gratitude and saying positive affirmations. And you will notice a change in your mood.

Smile More


No matter if you are having a bad day, try to smile. Yes, sometimes, it might be the last thing on your mind. But this simple action can lead to you feeling much better and boost your physical appearance.

A smile is another must-have accessory for women. When you smile, your brain releases chemicals that lift your mood.

Improve Your Fashion Style


Let’s talk about appearance a bit, can we? Now that you have your makeup, exercise, healthy diet, and everything else handled, it is time to up your fashion style.

Remember, fashion is just another form of expression that can impact our sense of self. Do not wear boring clothes even when going to the market. Good clothes will make you feel good about yourself. Do not leave them hanging in the closet.

Start Using Affirmations

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Simply put, affirmations are positive statements that you can either write or say. Saying something enough will make you believe it. Start your day with positive thoughts about yourself and your life.

It is important to encourage and motivate yourself.

Take A Break From Social Media

taking a break from social media

Let’s admit it. Honestly, sometimes we feel too addicted to social media. Sometimes, social media can consume you.

When you scroll through Instagram and Facebook, you might find influencers that are trying to show you their lives are perfect. And this can have a negative impact on you.

Just take a break for a few days. You will see how much more time you have to dedicate to yourself and the people you love.

This cleanse will make it easier for you to focus on the important things.

Be Curious


Let’s finish off our tips on how to glow up with something we have to practice every day. It is important to admit and understand. We do not know everything. But you can know more if you ask.

Admitting you are not an expert in everything will open the door for new information to make its way into your brain.

You can boost your intelligence by opening it to more sources of knowledge and information.

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