12 Energizing DIY Coffee Beauty Products

By Ava

For coffee drinkers, there are few things in life as wondrous as the first cup in the morning. Many of us rely on coffee to boost our energy and metabolism in the morning. Now, coffee is one of the most popular beverages.

But did you know coffee has a wide range of beauty benefits as well? Lately, coffee gains reputation as an alternative remedy for skin issues.

For starters, coffee is a natural source of antioxidants and caffeine. Coffee is a great exfoliating ingredient. Some of the benefits of coffee include cellulite reduction, anti-aging benefits, reducing inflammation, and acne treatment.

But there are many more. So, if you want to get a clear, shiny, and healthy skin, get a morning cup of coffee for your skin. You can apply the coffee mask at any time of the day. Let’s check some of the popular recipes.

1. Homemade Coffee Oil

coffee DIY coffeee oil h diyremedies
Photo: diyremedies.org

When you think of essential oils, you rarely think of coffee essential oil. True, there are much more popular essential oils. But coffee is quite beneficial for your skin. For starters, coffee essential oil acts as an antioxidant that prevents free radicals damage. It also increases blood circulation and tightens the skin.

Is that enough for you? You can use this oil as a light moisturizer as well. There are two methods to make coffee oil, cold pressed and hot pressed. You can try the one that suits you more.

2. Two-Ingredient Coffee Body Scrub

coffee DIY southerninlaw the easiest two ingredient coffee body scrub recipe
Photo: southerninlaw.com

We love two ingredients recipe. Why? Because they are simple and easy to make. At the same time, they are quite effective and efficient.

This homemade body scrub exfoliates and moisturizes the skin. The result is silky smooth skin. And it is cheap. All you need is ground coffee and coconut oil.

For the ground coffee, you can grind up whole beans in a food processor. Or you can use the coffee you find inside a coffee pod.

3. Exfoliating Coffee Soap

coffee DIY exfoliating soap amagicalmess
Photo: amagicalmess.com

Coffee soaps are great for so many reasons. For starters, women will love the cellulite fighting properties of this soap. Making homemade soaps is fun and great for gift gifting.

In this recipe, we use coffee and cardamom and lime essential oils. All of them are common ingredients in cellulite creams. Bonus: the soap smells great and looks adorable. Just make sure to use fresh coffee grounds. Recycled grounds are too wet.

If you like, you can also add some jojoba and almond oil to nourish the skin and soften the formula.

4. Coffee Shampoo

coffee DIY shampoo dailycurlz
Photo: dailycurlz.com

You might be wondering, why do I need a coffee shampoo? Well, for starters, coffee can help with the most common hair problems. For starters, coffee contains caffeine, which helps with hair loss. Washing your hair with a coffee shampoo will prevent baldness and hair follicles damage.

Or you can use a coffee shampoo to give your hair more volume. Your hair will look and grow more voluminous. Last, but not least, a coffee shampoo can balance your hair’s pH value. Depending on your needs, choose a coffee shampoo that will help with the problem.

5. Coffee Lip Scrub

coffee DIY lip scrub blessedbeyondcrazy
Photo: blessedbeyondcrazy.com

The good news? You already have the ingredients for this lip balm. Coffee scrubs make your lips soft and remove dead and flaky skin. Use it before applying lipstick or lip gloss to make it last longer.

At night, you can use the coffee lip scrub to remove makeup products. And as a bonus, you can use the scrub for your hands. After you finish scrubbing your lips, use the excess for your hands. They will be nice and soft as well. Just do not apply the scrub on your face. It is too abrasive.

6. Coffee Face Mask

coffee DIY face mask deathwishcoffee
Photo: deathwishcoffee.com

This might come as a surprise. Coffee face mask can help with almost any skin issue. That includes puffy eyes, dark spots, dry skin, acne, fine lines, and everything in between. Yes, a coffee face mask is that potent.

There are different variations of the coffee face mask. However, we recommend going the simple, yet effective route. For this mask you will need coffee beans, cocoa powder, whole milk, lemon juice, and honey. Just mix them in a bowl, and you are ready to go.

7. Anti-Stretch Mark Coffee Scrub

coffee DIY stretch marks sofabfood
Photo: sofabfood.com

Stretch marks and cellulite are nightmare for most women. It is their number one fear during pregnancy. Sadly, many women do get stretch marks during, or after pregnancy. Stretch marks appear due to rapid change in skin growth. They can also appear due to excessive weight gain or loss.

This coffee stretch marks scrub can help reduce them. You cannot fully eliminate stretch marks. But you can make them non-noticeable. In addition to coffee, the mask contains coconut oil for extra moisture, cinnamon, and brown sugar.

8. Anti-Cellulite Coffee Lotion

coffee DIY anti celulite lotion themakeupdummy
Photo: themakeupdummy.com

Here is another recipe for tackling cellulite issues. Bonus: this lotion will also help you add some bronzing to your skin. You want a darker tan right? Well, there you go. Smooth and sun-kissed legs thanks to coffee.

The secret here is to massage the affected area daily. And do it after a nice and long shower. Take your time. After all, the lotion smells divinely.

9. Coffee Mask For Puffy Eyes

coffee DIY puffy eyes shefinds
Photo: shefinds.com

We are happy to tell you we have found a surefire solution for dark circles and puffy eyes. No more puffiness under your eyes. And the solution comes in a three ingredient coffee mask recipe. Try this mask, and you will not regret it.

The best part is you can easily whip up at home. Take the long weekend to prepare for the new week. All you need is fresh coffee grounds, black pepper, and melted coconut oil. Sounds simple enough for you?

10. Coffee Scrub For Cracked Foot

coffee DIY cracked feet coffee scrub makeupandbeauty
Photo: makeupandbeauty.com

There are different reasons why your feet might be dry. For Obesity and pregnancy are two common causes. During pregnancy, the extra weight increases the pressure on the fat pad under the heel. And that can cause dry, rough, and chapped feet.

We have a foot scrub you can use to reverse the process. Yes, your feet will be silky smooth. This scrub is rich in antioxidants, repairs the skin, heals the skin, and exfoliates the skin. But most importantly, it provides nourishment.  All you need is coconut oil, coffee, and a mild shampoo.

11. Coffee Bath Bomb

coffee DIY bath bomb anninspired
Photo: anninspired.com

Bath bombs are only as effective as the ingredients in them. Coffee bath bombs contain soda and citric acid in addition to coffee. They create a hissing effect, which is a reaction that happens when the bath bomb comes in contact with water.

This bath bomb restores the acid-base balance of the skin. At the same time, it cleanses the body from harmful and toxic substances.

12. Coffee Hair Mask

coffee DIY hair mask busy dannyfd
Photo: busy.org

Let’s finish off our list with several coffee hair masks. Caffeine is the main ingredient in coffee. And that helps stimulate hair growth, improve the structure of the hair, prevent hair loss, detangle the hair, make the hair stronger, make the hair smoother, and much more. At the end of the day, coffee makes your hair easier to manage.

There are different hair masks for different hair issue. Find the one that fits your needs.

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